Move with confidence and control
Join the monthly MembersHub HERE to access classes designed specifically for women to support and strengthen their core and pelvic floor.
No strings, no contract, just £24/ month
- 2 Live Classes a week (via Zoom) *term time only
- Unlimited access to my whole class on-demand library of 100’s of classes, for you to access at a time that suits you. *Excludes access to Transform Your Core
- BONUS access to The Pelvic Floor Programme
- Access to my private FaceBook group for support, Q & A and access to me.
Find the right class for you …

Slow, Strong and Restorative.
Our classic class. Specifically targets the core, whilst toning your whole body.
Exercises are slow yet powerful. Allowing you to connect, align, mobilise and strengthen the body, before concluding with a restorative meditation.

Turn up the pace, for a whole body blast!
Want a workout hit, without the impact? CoreHeat pushes you hard, works up a sweat, but never compromises your core or quality of movement.
Designed for those who enjoy the feel good of HIIT and crossfit programmes, but without the impact.

Looking for a gentle yet invigorating class, that is pelvic floor and joint friendly?
This class is designed to raise your heart rate whilst aligning and restoring your body and your love of moving it.
We embrace movement whilst respecting our joints, and always supporting your core and pelvic floor.
Join the Fit Fanny Adams tribe today for only £24/ month for weekly live classes (term time only) and access to my library of 100’s of classes!
Exercise in a way that supports and strengthens your core, straight away.
“Thanks for teaching me how to support my pelvic floor and activate my core. I recognise when I’m subjecting my body to damaging strain and the ‘aid memoirs’ keep me on the road to recovery through the day.”

View our latest demos

sarahjane@fitfannyadams.com | 07595471422
Love moving with confidence

Wherever you are, join me, in your own time via my members platform.
All the classes are pre recorded, for you to access at a time that works for you – you can pay as you go, pay monthly or just tap into the free resources!
Find the right class for you …

Slow, Strong and Restorative.
Our classic class. Specifically targets the core, whilst toning your whole body.
Exercises are slow yet powerful. Allowing you to connect, align, mobilise and strengthen the body, before concluding with a restorative meditation.

Turn up the pace, for a whole body blast!
Want a workout hit, without the impact? CoreHeat pushes you hard, works up a sweat, but never compromises your core or quality of movement.
Designed for those who enjoy the feel good of HIIT and crossfit programmes, but without the impact.

Looking for a gentle yet invigorating class, that is joint friendly?
This class is designed to raise your heart rate whilst aligning and restoring your body and your love of moving it.
We embrace movement whilst respecting our joints.
Become a member of the Fit Fanny Adams tribe today
“Thanks for teaching me good posture, recognise when I’m subjecting my body to damaging strain and for the ‘aid memoirs’ keeping me on the road to recovery through the day.”

View our latest demos

sarahjane@fitfannyadams.com | 07595471422